Finite games are familiar. Some player wins. Some don’t.
Infinite games are different. Nobody wins but everyone loses when they stop playing. Life is the perfect example. You can’t be the best at living and you will lose in the end. Business is another example, a great game largely played with finite rules…
I love (not just like 😉) this book. Learning about finite and infinite games is mind-changing. I always knew that well playing the game of life requires a non-obvious approach. I always assumed the same for work but reading this book reinforced my ideas. Playing business as an infinite game is not just a good idea, it’s the only option.
The argumentation is solid, the tone highly engaging, and above all, the numerous stories of famous companies are fascinating. Any leader must read this book. But few will. So you should seriously consider adding this book to your reading list. “I wrote this book not to convert those who defend the status quo,” says the author, “I wrote this book to rally those who are ready to challenge that status quo.” We need new leaders with the courage to lead for our best interests as individuals, as companies, as communities and as species.
In the end, we want to be remembered for what we did for others, including at work. We want to wake up inspired to go to work and come back fulfilled. We want to consider the impact of our actions on future generations and not just the profit of the immediate quarter. I hope this book will help people realize that a finite mindset must no longer feel natural at work.