Embark for a crazy journey on a bus, travelling across the United States, with a TV presenter and his masterful meditation teacher, to uncover the beliefs that prevent normal people — students, cops, housewives, prisoners — to meditate, or at least, to stop trying.
Book chapter titles reveal a highly practical book: I can’t do this, I don’t have time for this, People might think I’m weird, I can’t keep going. By tackling the right questions, authors succeeded in demystifying the practice, arousing our interests by clarifying grey areas. I found in this book the answers to the most basic (maybe stupid) questions that I needed answered to commit myself to the practice. I particularly appreciated authors don’t oversell meditation, making it clear it won’t solve all of our problems, but at least, help us see them differently. If you are curious about meditation, but still fail to make it an habit, you deserve a copy of this book. If you think meditation is just not for you, why not let the authors bring you new perspectives on the subject.
Chapters are interspersed with meditation sessions (to read or to listen on the companion, subscription-based app). Armed with the background information present in each chapter, these sessions help me get a better comprehension and understand the motivations behind them.
I would have liked more photos of the tour, like strangers stopping at the booth to meditate in the street, the faces of the persons they met during interviews. This book goes a long way towards democratizing meditation, to make it accessible, so that more person benefit by it. The book is not perfect — the tour lasts only ten days, and the book was written in a few months — but, it doesn’t have to be. It was, for me, the trigger to stop being just convinced about meditation, and start practicing it, with enough motivation to not stop on the first stumble.